Monday, June 15, 2009

woah woah

yftdrycgjvhfydtrsieuztjdxfhc gvjyftdrisyetxdjfchgvyltfudriseturdxjgcfhgv

Monday, June 1, 2009


i missssss you
im so lonley
call me
i need to tell u alot
i love my peguin pj sooo much you dont even know

Thursday, May 28, 2009

the dance

was fun it made me happy but im still sad:( why dont people believe me i feel a lil rejected
but idk weather to give up or keep going its to much right now

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i love

  1. my penguin (aka p.m.)
  2. chiodos
  3. the devil wears prada
  4. brokencyde
  5. bring me the horizon
  6. dr.acula
  7. my tattoo
  8. karate
  9. florida
  10. beach
  11. pool
  12. my besties
  13. myspace
  14. txting
  15. my phone
  16. my laptop
  17. alot more

school is gay

i woke up and thought it was Saturday soon to find out its Tuesday ewyewyewyewy destiny ill see u at school ugh

Friday, May 22, 2009


im soo sad


this weekend might be fun but would be better if i was going somwhere with pedro ,destiny, me, and dylan
we would have sooooo much fun!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


love but hate today i was gonna write this one thing but then i got a very nice txt so now im happy ish lol not a very good pic of him but o well

<<<[the guy i <3]

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

missing him

alot alot peps need to stop telling him stuff im delting all my other blogs about him


woah dude
his gf is aa ho
she can die so i get be wit him
woah woah look up joes joner hahaha

Monday, May 18, 2009

i wish we

  1. could be togther but no he has to be tied down by som ho ughhhh
  2. i wish i could do somthing about it
  3. but i cant ughhh im so happy/confussed/sad

Saturday, May 16, 2009


was awesome chillen with my cousin and next door neighbor
tlked to him
told him everything i wanted to got som questions answered yeah today was a good day

Friday, May 15, 2009

ehh today was epic but sad at the same time

  1. today was epic
  2. gym-fun
  3. comp=fun
  4. yearbookthing=fun
  5. bus ride=fun
  6. science=fun/drama
  7. walk home=okay
  8. karate=funest
  9. babysitting=depressing
  10. now=sleepy
  11. today=funsadhappy

Thursday, May 14, 2009


ok funny blog alert

woah dude hers a song
you put me in 2nd gear
let e whisper in our ear
cant you hear
dont let that smear
go grab a beer
dont go near
look at a deer
you make me fear
its that time of the year

bye bye queer

hahaha destiny is funny


im watching disney channel but you probably dont care cuz no one love me :c

i wonder why people say dont drop the soap i drop it all the time................................................................................................................................................................................................. when im giving my dogs a bath haha u thought ew you perv
anyway do you like to take people faces and smash em into rocks its fun you should try it

btw nick jonas is THE SEX---------

very bored and mad still

but not as mad at my parents theres somthings i just dont tell anyone and thats what i hide on the inside and only people like kelly will know cuz shes so cool i cant tell her anything and katelynn i can tell her anything too and maybe mikala humm but only kelly knowa this one thing im talking about. i wish we never broke up i miss him sooo much but if you tell him u will die peace&love-rEpTaR


people can die for all i care
you would think they would text you back if its important but they dont so blah
i get my yearbook tomorrow yay
but then when i get home i have fight night at karate then babysitting so tomorrow might be epic idk hopefully better than today peace&whatever-rEpTaR


woah I'm reptar i love alot of thing like McDonald's bigmacs frys mcflurrys
can u tell i like McDonald's humm i dont think anyone can tell but i do wear a McDonald's shirt every day ha woah im gonna take a dog and put it woah never mind haha destiny knows where that was going lol sooooooooooo how was your day don't answer that because i don't care i would not care if u died today i mean i might even throw a celebration of your death!! haha joking im would just go to the club wow lets go to a death metal concert wooooooooooooooooooooooooo this is a very long blog ------- anyway i LOVE you haha NOT i dont even know you but for this one person i hope you die in a fire !@!! destiny hates fat people so she would pro hate the person im tlking about hahaha this is a very long blogg----this destiny girl im tlking about works at a strip club and she is 14 ha thats who we roll where i live get them girls started early owrken hard at the stip club ohyeah peace&mcdonalds-rEpTaR

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

heads up to new 6th graders

this i some advice for all you new 6th grade losers if uperclassmen add more and pass this on
  1. dont get pregant
  2. your life is gonna be hell
  3. you will hate 6th grade
  4. never trust anyone
  5. get on teachers good side then when they arnt looking stab em haha jk
  6. dont smoke
  7. just die
  8. dont think your are cool
  9. dont try to be friends with uperclass men cuz we hate u small rats
  10. your not the best
  11. dont roam the halls
  12. dont play fight
  13. dont go to a school called mayport middle its lamo

if you dont know

you will be very happy in 7 days so got out have some fun and live life to the fullest and go buy some mcdonalds but dont get fat cuz destiny dont like fat people haha

ok listen

i dont wanna hurt your fealing but I HATE YOU

hahah just joking best friend
i gotta go kill a turkey


destiny is really a funny person