Thursday, May 14, 2009


woah I'm reptar i love alot of thing like McDonald's bigmacs frys mcflurrys
can u tell i like McDonald's humm i dont think anyone can tell but i do wear a McDonald's shirt every day ha woah im gonna take a dog and put it woah never mind haha destiny knows where that was going lol sooooooooooo how was your day don't answer that because i don't care i would not care if u died today i mean i might even throw a celebration of your death!! haha joking im would just go to the club wow lets go to a death metal concert wooooooooooooooooooooooooo this is a very long blog ------- anyway i LOVE you haha NOT i dont even know you but for this one person i hope you die in a fire !@!! destiny hates fat people so she would pro hate the person im tlking about hahaha this is a very long blogg----this destiny girl im tlking about works at a strip club and she is 14 ha thats who we roll where i live get them girls started early owrken hard at the stip club ohyeah peace&mcdonalds-rEpTaR

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